Customer segment oil & gas refering


Improve productivity & get more ecological processes with gases

Oil and Gas Refining

Oil and Gas Refining

By definition, crude oil and natural gas are the raw materials of the petrochemical industry, with inert gases such as N2 and CO2 already used on a large-scale during their extraction. The processing of crude oil to the desired end products involves several steps. Again, gases from Messer are used in many of these process steps.

Customer process for oil and gas refining


Asset Publisher

Dr. Nina
van Gellecom
Manager Chemical applications
Senior Manager Chemical & Environmental applications

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Dr. Nina
van Gellecom
Manager Chemical applications

Asset Publisher

null Working principle

Working principle

ASU 1. Compression of air – Ambient air is drawn in, filtered and compressed ... 2. Precooling of air – ... and precooled with chilled water. 3. Purification of air – Impurities such as water vapor and carbon dioxide are then removed from the air in a so-called molecular sieve. 4. Cooling of air – Because the gases which make up air only liquefy at very low temperatures, the purified air in the main heat exchanger is cooled to approx. -175°C. The cooling is achieved by means of internal heat exchange, in which the flows of cold gas generated during the process cool the compressed air. Rapid reduction of the pressure then causes the compressed air to cool further, whereby it undergoes partial liquefaction. Now the air is ready for the separating column, where the actual separation takes place. 5. Separation of air – Separation of air into pure oxygen and pure nitrogen is performed in two columns, the medium-pressure, and the low-pressure columns. The difference in boiling point of the constituents is exploited for the separation process. Oxygen becomes a liquid at -183°C and nitrogen at -196°C. The continuous evaporation and condensation brought about by the intense exchange of material and heat between the rising steam and the descending liquid produces pure nitrogen at the top of the low-pressure column and pure oxygen at the bottom. Argon is separated in additional columns and involves some extra steps in the process. 6. Withdrawal and storage – Gaseous oxygen and nitrogen are fed into pipelines for transport to users, e.g., steelworks. In liquid form, oxygen, nitrogen and argon are stored in tanks and transported to customers by road tankers

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Productivity increase, production throughput and ecological improvement with gases, expertise & know-how, onsite trials, research and development, commercial offers

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