Kundensegment Öl- & Gas-Raffination

Öl- & Gas-Raffination

Produktivität steigern & ökologischere Prozesse im Umgang mit Gas

Öl- & Gas-Raffination

Öl- & Gas-Raffination

Rohöl und Erdgas sind definitionsgemäß die Rohstoffe der Petrochemie. Dabei werden bereits bei der Gewinnung Inertgase wie N2 und CO2 im großen Stile eingesetzt. Der Verarbeitungsprozess von Rohöl umfasst mehrere Schritte um die gewünschten Endprodukte herzustellen. Auch hier werden bei vielen dieser Prozessschritte Gase von Messer eingesetzt.


Kontakt & Broschüre


Dr. Nina
van Gellecom
Manager Chemical applications
Senior Manager Chemical & Environmental applications

Andere Anwendungen, die für Sie interessant sein könnten


Dr. Nina
van Gellecom
Manager Chemical applications




Oxygen generator VPSA is Messer’s top-notch solution for on-site Oxygen production, providing high reliability and best-in-class performance, if oxygen purity in the range of 90 % to 94 % is required. A highly efficient source of Oxygen for use in a variety of industries such as glass, metallurgy, cement and chemicals.

The operating principle of VPSA units is based on the selective adsorption of certain components of gas mixtures. In this case, the adsorption rate plays a significant role in the operation of such installations. Since the cycle duration is short, adsorbed impurities saturate only the surface layers of the adsorbent granules, without having time to penetrate into the deeper layers. In this case, it is easy to carry out subsequent desorption by pumping out the accumulated impurities using a vacuum pump.

The plant layout is based on the Messer safety and reliability philosophy which has been applied for over 20 years in operating air separation plants for the supply of customers world-wide.

The oxygen generator VPSA has been designed for the ease of operation (under normal conditions) and low maintenance. In order to minimize personnel and operating costs, all equipment and process controls will be operated and monitored by a computer control system.

The plant is designed for automatic control and automatic operation under normal operating conditions.

The VPSA Oxygen generator is designed to produce Oxygen in gaseous form.

Anwendungstechnik Startseite


Produktivitätssteigerung, Kapazitätssteigerung und ökologischere Prozesse mit Gase Know-how, Demonstration vor Ort & Prozessoptimierungen, Expertise & Know-how, Forschung & Entwicklung, Angebote & Umsetzung

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